[Openchrome-users] XAA SolidFillRect problem with negative x value

Mark Huijgen mark.sf.net
Thu Feb 8 05:56:36 PST 2007

In certain cases I am getting drawing glitches with the XAA 
SolidFillRect acceleration function. The glitches occur when this 
function is called with a negative x parameter, for example:
x=-2 y=34 w=19 h=1
has 2 pixels outside the screen. The result is that the rectangle isnt 
drawn at all (so previous screen content stays visible). The program 
drawing at that place is openoffice (drawing the background of the menu 

If I disable this acceleration function with the option
Option "XaaNoSolidFillRect"
in the Screen section of xorg.conf the glitch is gone. Also if I modify 
the viaSubsequentSolidFillRect in via_accel.c to correct for the 
negative x coordinate:
if(x<0) {
         w += x;
         x = 0;
the glitch is also fixed. I haven't noticed SolidFillRect with negative 
y's so far, so I don't know if the same kind of glitch occurs with 
negative y's.

Also I dont know if negative numbers for x/y are allowed in this 
acceleration function, the XAA.HOWTO included with xorg doesnt specify this.

So my question: is this a problem with the application/xorg/xaa or in 
the driver? The glitch occurs with the openchrome as well as the 
unichrome driver (both compiled from svn/git today).

Mark Huijgen

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