[Openchrome-users] P4M800 - CPU 100%

Thomas Hellström thomas
Mon Feb 12 09:22:22 PST 2007

emachine wrote:
> Re: P4M800 - CPU 100%
>> I am getting poor performance from my P4M800..  When I run glxgears my CPU runs at  nearly at 100%.  I also see this behavior from some of the gnome screensavers.  In one screen saver in particular "MatrixView"  there appears to be some color distortion on the glow of the letter that is falling (What should be white has a red glow).
>> I am running a high resolution 1600x1200 and would like to be higher as my native resolution of my LCD is 1920x1200.
>> I am running Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy)
>> I've installed the openchrome trunk drivers.
>> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
>> -Toby
glxgears runs at 100% cpu because the driver busy-waits for the GPU to 
complete drawing.


> I also forgot to mention that gl screen savers (like GLMatrix) run significantly better than non gl screen savers.
> ----
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