[Openchrome-users] Fedora Core 5 - Step by Step

Xavier Bachelot xavierb
Mon Feb 19 14:43:05 PST 2007

John Robinson wrote:
> On 16/02/2007 15:51, Bernardo Rosmaninho wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am a beginer linux user and a need to install and configure a J7F2xxx 
>> Jetway C7 CN700 VT8237R, to have a low cpu usage in video playback.
> Up-to-date driver and drm RPMs for FC5 are available at 
> http://washington.kelkoo.net/epia/ and you can get xine RPMs from Fedora 
> Extras or 
> http://rpm.livna.org/fedora/5/i386/repodata/repoview/Applications.Multimedia.group.html
Please note that as of 2.6.19-1.2288.fc5 kernel, the drm modules are not
needed anymore if you're running any of the following chipsets :
- CLE266
- KM400, KM400A, P4M800
- K8M800
- CN400, PM800, PM880
- CN700, VM800, P4M800Pro
- CX700 (support for this chipset is _not_ in openchrome svn)

Same applies for FC6 kernels 2.6.19-1.2895 or later.
Put in a distro-free way, this is 2.6.19 or later kernel.

You'll need the drm packages build from drm git tree only if you need a
via drm version more recent than 2.10.0 or use a K8M890 or P4M890
chipset. Any other chipset needs both drm git tree _and_ a patch (for
some reason CX700 is in the kernel tree, but not the drm tree).


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