[Openchrome-users] kudos to developers

brightman userforum
Fri Jan 19 03:02:00 PST 2007

Re: kudos to developers
> I'm building a HD MythTV frontend using a SP13000.  FC6 with the version 
> of openchrome that it ships with works great to decode both 720p and 
> 1080i sources using Xine.  MythTV is a bit more problematic but I do 
> have 720p barely working -- the problems are strictly Myth related though.
> CPU utilization is 20-25% using Xine to playback a source file on an NFS 
> mount.  Great job!  Thought I would need to grab newer stuff but what 
> ships with FC6 is proving to work just fine.

Scott, sounds like you are doing what I'm thinking of doing, i.e. getting an SP13000 and making a mythfrontend. The primary difference is that I only have SD content.

A few questions, are you using the VGA port and if so what resolution are you displaying at?

There have been comments elsewhere about shadows + blurring when using the SP13000 at high resolutions (1280 x 1024 and greater) from the VGA port.... is this what you are doing and if so does the image look OK?

What problems are you having with mythtv? (dare I ask!) I've built a separate backend/frontend system running on FC4 without too many heahaches and now want another frontend.



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