[Openchrome-users] Attempting to set CX700M2 to 1440x900 resolution

openchrome@semi-evolved.org openchrome
Tue Jul 10 13:47:07 PDT 2007

Marcus Cobden wrote:
> I've been attempting to set my monitor to it's native res but no matter 
> what I tweak my xorg.conf to it doesn't seem to work.
>  From the logfiles it looks like this is an openchrome issue, or am I 
> completely wrong?
> If it requires some code tweaking I'm happy to test or submit a patch if 
> someone can point me in the right direction to get started.
> I've attached the config and log files.
> My monitor is a 19" Hanns G HW191D which should be at 1440x900, and the 
> motherboard is a VIA EPIA EX15000G.

I think this is your problem:

    Option  "VBEModes" "true"

As I understand it, this means that the driver will only use pre-set
modes, and will ignore your mode lines. Unfortunately, removing it will
stop the driver working at all.

If you look at your xorg.log you'll see lines like this (surrounded by
line noise):

    *Mode: 168 (1920x1080)

I *think* these are the only ones supported 'natively' by the CX700M2.

I'm hoping that this is just a temporary thing while the developers get
more of the chip features implemented.

I've spent much of the last week trying to get the component-out working
at HDTV (at least 1280x720) resolutions, but at best, I get a 3cm black
border on my TV, at worst, tiled screens. I'm hoping that the DVI-HDMI
cable I'm borrowing tomorrow will work out...

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