[Openchrome-users] Widescreen display cropped

jeffsim userforum
Sat Jul 14 18:56:17 PDT 2007

Re: Widescreen display cropped
Unfortunately I tried that and the width is set to the max it'd allow... but the gap is still there.

> Le samedi 14 juillet 2007 ? 15:31 +0200, jeffsim a ?crit :
> > Re: Widescreen display cropped
> > The best that xvidtune could come up with was to shift my screen left so it's centered. Trying to widen it beyond a certain point causes the screen to dim and vertical gray lines to start showing...
> > 
> > Any more suggestions? I'd really love to get this awesome monitor to work well.
> My acer al1916W had symptoms like that and I used the controls in the
> OSD to center it.
> Tony
> -- 


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