[Openchrome-users] CX700 no output (experimental brance)

harrydb userforum
Fri Jun 15 12:06:52 PDT 2007

CX700 no output (experimental brance)
Hi all,

I have a VIA EPIA EX10000 EG which has a cx700 (m2) chipset. I compiled the openchrome drivers from the svn experimental branche on my Ubuntu 7.04 with stock kernel (2.6.20-15-generic). It compiled fine and the xorg driver seems to run fine (I can hear ubuntu 'drums' saying I can log in).

The problem now is, that the output port has no signal. I have an LCD monitor (samsung 931c) connected to the DVI port. When I start X using the via driver there is no signal. It it not that the signal is out of range, there just is no signal.

It seems the driver is not steering the right output port or something (when i accidentally set the output port in the BIOS to crt instead of dvi I also got no signal, had to do a cmos reset).

Does anyone have ideas how to solve this?


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