[Openchrome-users] attempting to achieve 1440x900 on supporting monitor

Bluejack bluejack
Tue Jun 19 17:53:42 PDT 2007

Hi, I've seen others discuss this in the archives, and it certainly
seems like it should be possible, but it isn't working for me. Here's
what I have already done...

1) Download, compile, and install the newest source.
2) Use GTF to generate an appropriate mode line (see below)
3) Ensure the device is using the correct driver (I think, again, see below)

I am using the latest stable debian distribution with a HANNS-G HW191D
monitor on a motherboard that reports VT8378 (I believe it is a KM400A
chipset). I have seen reports of this chipset supporting this screen
resolution in Windows, but have not confirmed it on Linux, with
Openchrome drivers or any other... thus the question. I am using

If I leave the full range of configured resolutions, gnome or X (I'm a
little unclear on the boundaries) will choose 1280x1024, and there is
no higher resolution provided. If I clear all the options out of
xorg.conf except for 1440x900, as configured below, then the monitor
reports "Signal out of Range" and I get nothing (except a mild relief
that the monitor is smart enough not to blow up).

Here are the relevant xorg.conf settings:

Section "Device"
        Identifier      "VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8378 [S3 UniChrome]
Integrated Video"
        Driver          "via"
        BusID           "PCI:1:0:0"

Section "Monitor"
        Identifier      "HW191D"
        HorizSync       30-82
        VertRefresh     56-76
        ModeLine        "1440x900" 136.47 1440 1520 1672 1904 900 901
904 932 -HSync +VSync
        Option          "DPMS"

I'm not sure what log to look at to provide more info, or if there is
something else that would help figure out whether what I want to do is
possible. In various internet searches I've seen people throw up their
hands and go off to the store to buy a new video driver. I can do that
too, but it feels like defeat.


Work as though you live in the younger days of a better nation!
---------------------------------------------- -- Alasdair Gray

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