[Openchrome-users] EN1200 (CN700) CPU 100% usage

Jon Nettleton jon.nettleton
Fri Mar 9 12:26:17 PST 2007

On Fri, 2007-03-09 at 19:41 +0100, Claas Langbehn wrote:
> Hello Tony,
> > I'm using an Epia EN1200 with Ubuntu Edgy and OpenChrome driver installed on it.
> > The system is VERY unreactive, if I move a window the CPU load goes to 100%.
> > I use "optimized default" as bios settings and stopped powernowd. What can I try ?
> >   
> as I already wrote in the viaarena forum, you should try a different
> windowmanager from metacity, that supports moving windows
> without their contents (wireframe or such). Oroborus f.ex. does it,
> but you might also check the enlightenment WM or sawfish WM.

Metacity supports wireframe mode for moving windows.  You can access it
using gconf-editor.  Navigate to /apps/metacity/general and enable


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