[Openchrome-users] Support for S3 Graphics DeltaChrome, GammaChrome and ChromeS20 generation

Luc Verhaegen libv
Tue Mar 20 07:16:58 PDT 2007

On Tue, Mar 20, 2007 at 02:14:48PM +0100, Xavier Bachelot wrote:
> Does this mean you found a way around your usual -ENOHW or you're just 
> feeling alone in unichrome lists ?
> May I again repeat the split between unichrome and openchrome is a 
> massive waste of energy ? May I also repeat that mpeg2 hw decoding is 
> not just chrome for at lot of ppl out there ? And may I also repeat that 
> bad hack to support hardware is still better than no support at all, at 
> least temporary until someone do The Right Thing (w/o breaking all the 
> not so right things, obviously) ?
> I really don't understand what you're trying to achieve...
> X.

There's a really big difference between knowing whether hardware can be 
supported and actually supporting it. By looking at the VGA roms i will 
find out whether this is possible or not from the same driver. This only 
the prerequisite to actual support, but it is highly important 

Besides, looking at roms is very endorphine laden, much more than plain 
development. And there's a real thrill involved here, as, once more, i'd 
be venturing where no-one went before. This is properly exciting stuff.

About the more inflammatory content of your reply: did you read this:

Luc Verhaegen.

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