[Openchrome-users] CX700 / EX10000

David Shay david
Tue Mar 20 11:12:22 PDT 2007

I've just started setting up my EX10000 with the CX700.  I've pretty much
gotten to the same place that another user here has, with an ability to run
up to 1600x1200 (the maximum my DVI-D monitor supports), as long as I use

I am using Gentoo with a 2.6.20 kernel. Latest svn openchrome with the patch
from trac ticket 78. DRM 1.1.0 20060810.

Other info: Tried starting up with KDE 3.5 initially, but the screen would
flash on and off randomly. Went back to straight X and all was OK again.
>From straight X, tried to start up konqueror, and experienced the same
flashing.  Something odd going on, not sure if its opengl related or not.

Also getting some drmAcquire memory errors as well.  AGP Memory in BIOS set
to 32MB as I believe it should be.  Like other individual that got this far,
regular mplayer with -xv crashed system.  With xvmc patches, it simply says
it can't find a surface -- not sure if that's related to the memory acquire
failures or not.  Can't find the log for those right now -- will try to send
later tonight.

Ivor, at one point I thought you had said you had one of these and were
testing?  Any progress you have made?
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