[Openchrome-users] Updating OpenChrome to latest SVN

Chad masterclc
Wed May 9 20:47:19 PDT 2007


I'm successfully running Openchrome using the Billionmonkeys patch.
I'm interested in upgrading to SVN to see the progress of VT1625 TV
Out support (specifically I'm running S-Video out on a Commell
LV-667T).  My main desire to upgrade is that the 720x480Under is all
that works and is considerably "smaller" than the full
corner-to-corner of my TV and I'd like to give Fit or Over a whirl.
I'm in the build process and am curious if I should also be upgrading
DRM everytime I upgrade OpenChrome?  What I am currently doing:
cd /path/to/source/openchrome
svn update
./configure --prefix=/usr
make install

But I'm not sure if I should also be including DRM updating with that
methodology.  What's the general consensus or guidelines?


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