[Openchrome-users] Display error with myth live tv

Martijn expires-jan08
Sat May 12 04:24:18 PDT 2007

Hi Bert,

For some weeks ago I asked the list to give me some pointers how to
obtain the EX15000G in the Netherlands. Haven't been sitting around
since and buying & assembling was the easiest part. But I think I can
provide you with some experiences as I can watch live TV with an
occasional frame skip.

I'm running a Gentoo setup with a vanilla kernel Using the
openchrome-experimental trunk at rev. 327 and the latest git drm
(2.11.1, no need to go back to 2.11.0 anymore I've read). I had to patch
the kernel "include/linux/pci_ids.h" by hand and change
PCI_DEVICE_ID_VIA_CX700 from 0x8324 to 0x0324 to let the DRM find an AGP
v3 device, but I'm sure you've been through all that.

In my xorg driver section I've set option NoXVDMA to true since I get a
lot of display artifacts otherwise when running high-bandwidth content.
You also were having this problems I read in a reply from Jon on the 4th
of May. And on another note, I'm also getting "no XvMC: (WW) VIA(0):
[XvMC]Not supported on this chipset", but this is also a WiP I believe.

On the part of MythTV. I'm running a separate back and frontend, whereas
my EX15kG is connected to the LCD and I'm running two DVB-S Technotrend
Nexus cards from the garage, but I don't think this makes the equation a
lot different. My frontend is displaying live TV on a 1360x768 panel
with some 60% to 75% load and I'm using kernel deinterlacing. I'm also
running an ondemand governor, but the cpu doesn't step back to 800MHz
and runs at 1.5GHz while watching live TV. So looking at my burn
numbers, could it be that the EX10kEG can't take the biscuit until the
Xv dma and/or XvMC problems are sorted out?


31.69 nHz = once a year

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