[Openchrome-users] Display error with myth live tv

Martijn expires-jan08
Sat May 12 05:46:03 PDT 2007

Udo van den Heuvel wrote:
> Thanks for the updates.
> Without XvMC what stuff of the display and/or MPEG playback is
> accellerated OK?

I think that for now the only acceleration being done is on Xv layer
level within the Openchrome driver (like scaling and such). Everything
else right now is done in kernel/userspace with normal routines and cpu
extensions, so I wouldn't call that acceleration. Could be dead wrong
though and be excommunicated on the spot by the Openchrome driver wizards.

So I can view MPEG and MPEG-TS without any problems (SD, no HD though).
Can view DVD's with an occasional frame-skip (using MythTV and Xine).
Can view my DivX collections without any problems. From 540p and up
things take a bad turn. I.e a 720p h.264 is skipping frames and a
unwatchable rate and a/v sync is bad.

Happy to provide you with some benchmarks if you give me some 'standard


31.69 nHz = once a year

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