[Openchrome-users] Openchrome driver in F7 [Fwd: Fedora 7 Update: xorg-x11-drv-openchrome-0.2.900-7.fc7]

Xavier Bachelot xavier
Thu Nov 8 05:05:43 PST 2007

Tony Grant wrote:
> Le lundi 05 novembre 2007 ? 17:02 +0100, Xavier Bachelot a ?crit :
>> The openchrome rpm I used to maintain in the Epia repo is now in 
>> upstream Fedora. F7 is already in the updates, F8 is pending and should 
>> appear soon.
> yay!
>> On the same topic, would anyone be interested in openchrome for 
>> RHEL5/Centos5 ?
> FC6 <ducking>
> Tony
FC6 is EOL'ed in a month or so, I'm not sure it is such a good idea to 
request a new branch, let alone if it would be accepted.
Also, the driver I used to build for FC6 was using 'via' as drivername 
and package name, so the upgrade from the epia repo to fedora repo will 
not happen automagically and will need a change to xorg.conf.

IOW, not sure it worths the trouble... But if you want to do that, the 
F7/F8 package will rebuild just fine on FC6.


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