[Openchrome-users] Problems installing Unichrome Driver on Suse 10.3

Xavier Bachelot xavier
Fri Nov 16 14:42:23 PST 2007

tm2383 wrote:
> Re: Problems installing Unichrome Driver on Suse 10.3
> Hi,
> I used the RPM here:
> http://www.logix.cz/michal/devel/suse-openchrome/
> with this driver:
> xorg-x11-driver-video-7.2-189_openchrome412.i586.rpm
> Thanks for the help!
> tim
OK, this is from before the driver renaming, so it overwrites the files 
from the xorg via driver. That was one of the reason for rename.
It would be nice to ask the guy who provide the rpm to upgrade to 
release 0.2.900.

Anyway, this doesn't help to diagnose what your problem is.
Could you post your xorg.conf and xorg log, please ?


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