[Openchrome-users] Problem: Openchrome, Ubuntu 7.10, and VN800

Coady Buckley-Zistel Buckley-Zistel
Fri Nov 23 11:12:44 PST 2007

Dear Xavier,

Thanks for your response. The inputs you suggested unfortunately did not 
work, but I persisted trying to fix it. The following seems to have 
solved the problem (the commented lines where added in the process but I 
did finally have to use them):

Section "Monitor"
     Identifier   "Generic Monitor"
     HorizSync    31-48
     ModelName    "1024X768 at 60HZ"
     Option       "DPMS"
     VertRefresh  50-60
     # V-freq: 60.00 Hz  // h-freq: 47.80 KHz
     # Modeline	 "1024x768" 60.80  1024 1056 1128 1272   768  768  770  796

Note that there seemed to be a problem when the 'HorizSync' and 
'VertRefresh' inputs were wrapped in quotes (i.e. ""). Is that correct? 
Anyway, it seems to be solved.

I also found that once I could get the X-server running and boot into a 
graphical desktop that I have the screen going grey (which was a post to 
the openchrome list relating to Fedora 8). Following the advice there I 
add the following:

Section "Device"
	Identifier	"Generic Video Card"
	Driver		"openchrome"
	BusID		"PCI:1:0:0"
	Option		"SWcursor"	"true"
	Option		"EnableAGPDMA"	"off"

I know this is only a temporary work around.

Thanks for your persistence and help.


Xavier Bachelot wrote:
> Coady Buckley-Zistel wrote:
>> Xavier,
>> Thanks for your reply. Yes I understand what you mean, but I would be 
>> grateful if you could give me an indication of what to add to the 
>> 'xorg.conf' file. I assume I would need to add something like the 
>> following (inputting the values from the Debian Etch 'Xorg.0.log' and 
>> omitting what is unnecessary):
>> Section "Monitor"
>>   DisplaySize  ""
>>   HorizSync    ""
>>   Identifier   ""
>>   ModelName    ""
>>   Option       ""
>>   VendorName   ""
>>   VertRefresh  ""
>>   UseModes     ""
>> EndSection
> Section "Monitor"
>     Identifier   "Generic Monitor"
>     HorizSync    "31.50-37.90"
>     VertRefresh  "50-70"
>     Option       "DPMS"
> EndSection
> This should be enough.
> Regards,
> Xavier
> PS: please don't top post and keep the mailing list CC'ed.
>> Thanks again.
>> Regards,
>> Coady
>> Xavier Bachelot wrote:
>>> Coady Buckley-Zistel wrote:
>>>> I have installed the openchrome driver in Debian Etch, Fedora 8, and 
>>>> Ubuntu 7.10. In the case of the Debian and Fedora the driver is 
>>>> recognised, X-server and GDM load without trouble. The driver is 
>>>> being loaded:
>>>> Code:
>>>>     grep openchrome /var/log/Xorg.0.log
>>>> (II) LoadModule: "openchrome"
>>>> In the case of Ubuntu 7.10 the openchrome driver is loaded but 
>>>> 'X-server' fails and GDM will not load. This has been the case with 
>>>> both upgrades and fresh installs of Ubuntu 7.10. The X-server 
>>>> defaults to 'xorg.conf.failsafe'.
>>>> Can someone please help me with this...?
>>>> I am no expert, but on comparing the 'Xorg.0.log' files in both 
>>>> Debian Etch and Ubuntu 7.10 the only lines I can find that look 
>>>> suspect are the following:
>>>>  From Ubuntu:
>>>> -----------------
>>>> (II) VIA(0): Generic Monitor: Using default hsync range of 
>>>> 28.00-33.00 kHz
>>>> (II) VIA(0): Generic Monitor: Using default vrefresh range of 
>>>> 43.00-72.00 Hz
>>> ...snip
>>>>  From Debian:
>>>> -----------------
>>>> (II) VIA(0): Generic Monitor: Using default hsync range of 
>>>> 31.50-37.90 kHz
>>>> (II) VIA(0): Generic Monitor: Using default vrefresh range of 
>>>> 50.00-70.00 Hz
>>> The reported Hsync and Vsync from the (supposedly) identical monitor 
>>> are not the same. I'd assume the monitor doesn't advertise them 
>>> properly and then X falls back to the defaults with are not the same 
>>> from one distro to the other. I'd try to force the monitor's Hsync 
>>> and Vsync to the values given by Debian in your Ubuntu conf. Or even 
>>> better, find what the correct values for your monitor are from the 
>>> manufacturer documentation and use these values.
>>> Regards,
>>> Xavier

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