[Openchrome-users] Troubles with greedy MigrationHeuristic and firefox

Rikz andrey.melentyev
Tue Oct 23 12:35:03 PDT 2007

Now I have more troubles with this configuration. I can start X only
with EXA turned off. Even so I have some artifacts on the screen
sometimes (not related to firefox). I tried different versions of
x11-drm modules and libdrm and openChrome driver. The one that works
better is old version of openChrome (before merging experimental
branch). All bleeding edge stuff (Git DRM, SVN openChrome) just locks
X server on startup so I have to reboot with hardware button.

I can't provide any real important additional info, because dmesg is
empty and there's nothing interesting in X.org.log, but I just wonder
if anybody has troubles with Git DRM and latest openChrome on
Unichrome Pro chipsets.

What debug info can be helpful? How can I investigate this problem?


2007/10/22, Rikz <andrey.melentyev at gmail.com>:
> Firefox doesn't display some pages (mostly with heavy graphics)
> correctly when I have
>  Option "MigrationHeuristic" "greedy"
> in my /etc/X11/xorg.conf.
> I've attached the screenshot of the incorrect displayed
> http://google.com. With that string commented out in xorg.conf this
> page is displayed correctly. In the Google example, when the page is
> just loaded, it looks ok. But when I switch the focus to another
> window or switch to another desktop it breaks the firefox rendering.
> The other less annoying bug with greedy MigrationHeuristic is that
> when GNOME is started, the icons on the bottom of the splash screen
> are not displayed. Maybe there are some other cases when this options
> makes problem for me, I don't know yet.
> I'm using xorg-server-1.4 from Gentoo Linux, DRM modules and libdrm
> are from Git, openChrome driver is today's SVN version. Here's a part
> of xorg.conf about video adapter:
> Section "Device"
>     Identifier  "VIA Unichrome Pro"
>     Driver                      "openchrome"
>     Option      "AccelMethod"                   "EXA"
>         Option  "ExaScratchSize"        "8192"
>     Option      "MaxDRIMem"                             "16384"
>     Option      "MigrationHeuristic"    "greedy"
>                 Option  "ActiveDevice"          "LCD"
>                 Option  "EnableAGPDMA"          "true"
>                 Option  "NoXVDMA"                                       "true"
>                 Option  "VBEModes"                              "true"
>                 Option  "VBESaveRestore"        "true"
>                 Option  "DisableIRQ"                    "true"
>     BusID               "PCI:1:0:0"
> EndSection
> My card is Unichrome Pro (VIA VN800) with 64Mb of memory allocated in
> BIOS. My Xorg.log is attached. The problem line in xorg.conf was found
> by commenting them all out and then uncommenting one by one.
> Everything works fine when MigrationHeuristic is not greedy, however
> 'man openchrome' says that this is the best option for now.
> Should I provide any addtional info? Can anyone confirm this on other machine?
> Thanks for the help!
> --
> -wbr,
> Andrey Melentyev
> andrey.melentyev at gmail.com

Andrey Melentyev
andrey.melentyev at gmail.com

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