[Openchrome-users] cursor problem with K8M890

Simon Brouwer simon.oo.o
Wed Sep 12 12:43:11 PDT 2007


ezombie schreef:
> Re: cursor problem with K8M890
> I'm seeing this bug also, but with random dashed lines flickering across the whole screen as well when it's doing this (sometimes).
> FreeBSD 6.2-STABLE
> Xorg 6.9.0
> OpenChrome SVN experimental_branch 2007-08-30
> Section "Device"
>         Option "VBEModes" "true"
>         Option "PanelSize" "1280x1024"
>         Identifier  "Card0"
>         Driver      "via"
>         VendorName  "Unknown Vendor"
>         BoardName   "Unknown Board"
>         BusID       "PCI:1:0:0"
> EndSection
For a better description, I have made a picture of my screen (screen 
capture doesn't get the mouse cursor).
See http://www.xs4all.nl/~simonbr/cursor.pdf

The problem occurs during some sessions but not always.

I have the impression that adding this to the Device section in 
xorg.conf fixes it for me:

    option "SWCursor" "true"

Vriendelijke groet, 
Simon Brouwer. 

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