[Openchrome-users] Fujitsu Siemens Laptop, Via VN896 Chrome9

Xavier Bachelot xavier
Sun Sep 16 04:52:21 PDT 2007

kido wrote:
> Re: Fujitsu Siemens Laptop, Via VN896 Chrome9
>> I found this one that stick better to the description :
>> Pci id added to experimental_branch revision 396, please update and try 
>> again.
>> X.
> Tried it, but still won't work. Same error, I think. 
> (EE) VIA(0): Unknown Card-Ids (1558|5408); please report to openchrome-users at openchrome.org
Then you are not using the driver built from experimental_branch
revision 396.

Start from a fresh svn checkout, just to be sure :

rm -rf experimental_branch
svn co http://svn.openchrome.org/svn/branches/experimental_branch
cd experimental_branch
./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr
sudo make install


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