[Openchrome-users] A7V400-MX + 1680x1050 ?!

Xavier Bachelot xavier
Fri Sep 28 06:08:36 PDT 2007

jarkko saarinen wrote:
> I'm sorry if this is double post. Something happened, so I'll send this 
> again.
> I'am buing new monitor but don't want to change computer itself. So the 
> morherboard mentioned in subject does show up resolutions up to 1600x1200 
> but can it do 1680x1050? And with Ubuntu? I've tried to hunt this 
> information for a some time now and would be very pleased if someone could 
> lighten things up.
> At this moment Ubuntu only shows 1024x768 so I'll have to shake things up 
> anyway. I was just hoping to do everything at once with new monitor.
>    Jarsa
yup, 1600*1200>1680*1050, it consumes less bandwidth.

Your monitor should give its supported modelines thru ddc and they'll be 
available to the driver. KM400A is perfectly capable of using free 
modelines, so it should just work.

Your conf should look something like that (minus other unrelated section) :

Section "Device"
         Identifier  "Videocard0"
         Driver      "via"

Section "Monitor"
	Identifier    "Monitor0"
	Option        "DPMS"

Section "Screen"
         Identifier "Screen0"
         Device     "Videocard0"
         Monitor    "Monitor0"
         DefaultDepth     24
         SubSection "Display"
                 Viewport  0 0
                 Depth     24
		Modes     "1680x1050"

Hand me the screen, I got the same mobo, I'll tell you for sure if it 
works ;-)


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