[Openchrome-users] no 3D in k8m800

Xavier Bachelot xavier
Tue Apr 1 03:47:07 PDT 2008

Harshit Godha wrote:
> you have the right to be rude.
possibly, but I tried not to ;-)

> I want to fix it but i dont know how?
> to be honest I saw the code but I cant understand it.
> Is there any SDK and manual for my help?
No, VIA is not providing any documentation, nor do they work in good 
coordination with the the FOSS developers. The only documentation you 
will find is the VIA codedrops and the code in mesa.

> and finally I thought that these lists are different and have different 
> people.

Yes, the lists are different both for historical reasons and because the 
target audiences are different. Also, cross posting is considered bad 
netiquette and anyway you're barking at the wrong tree. 
unichrome/openchrome are for the 2D driver. The 2D driver is only 
responsible for the initialisation of the chip and the 3D driver will 
rely on that. The 3D driver is handled by mesa (and drm). You should ask 
there. Unfortunately, there's currently no maintainer for unichrome 
chips in mesa, so don't expect too much. The 3D problems with K8M800 are 
known for a long time, but nobody was skilled enough and cared enough to 
fixed them yet. Remember that VIA is not providing docs and is not 
working with upstream, so it's difficult to get anything properly done.

I'm adding back openchrome-users mailing list to the distribution list 
so other people can benefit from the answer.
> Sorry, I wont bother people again.
You can bother people, that's ok, you just need to bother the right 
people and follow the common netiquette guidelines. This includes no top 
posting ;-)


> On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 1:25 AM, Xavier Bachelot <xavier at bachelot.org 
> <mailto:xavier at bachelot.org>> wrote:
>     Harshit Godha wrote:
>      > Hi all,
>      > I am using via k8m800 chipset,
>      > but I cant use even common 3D softwares like Picasa, wine doors or
>      > compiz fusion.
>      > what can i do? I have already tried default drivers in sabayon, and
>      > fedora and even the unichrome drivers.
>      >
>      > although i have no exp. in this area, just one thing
>      > Can I help? If so, how?
>      >
>     Don't want to sound rude, but you've already posted that in the -users
>     list and you're off-topic for -devel, unless you want to fix the code,
>     but it doesn't seem to be the case.
>     Regards,
>     Xavier
> -- 
> cheers for the open source

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