[Openchrome-users] Xorg.conf settings for LCD TV

Marcus Cobden lists
Sun Aug 10 12:12:13 PDT 2008

Benno Schulenberg wrote:
 > Marcus Cobden wrote:
 >> I've attached both logs and the xorg.conf file.
 > (Please do not tar files up in future.  Gzip the big ones and attach
 > them each by themselves.)

Sure, sorry.

 > You are still using version 0.2.901 of openchrome.  You may wish to
 > upgrade to 0.2.902.

Will do.

 > The mode you're trying to set won't work, though, as you can see
 > from the log:
 > (II) CHROME(0): Not using mode "1366x768" (no mode of this name)
 > (II) CHROME(0): Not using mode "1360x768" (no mode of this name)

I entered both because the TV documentation lists those as supported 
resolutions, the 6 pixel width difference did seem a little strange to me.

 > The latter one isn't right, but the first one should be a valid
 > mode, but it isn't defined anywhere in the driver.  I think it
 > should be.  Gabriel?

Is this an easy change? If you pass me a patch and point me to the 
correct VC branch/release I'll be happy to try it out.

Thanks again,

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