[Openchrome-users] Opechrome and Xorg 7.4

Xavier Bachelot xavier
Mon Dec 8 14:22:40 PST 2008

lm.moreira wrote:
> Re: Re: Opechrome and Xorg 7.4
>>> Hi everyone (:razz:)
>>> Today I have updated my xorg to xorg 7.4...
>>> Some options on xorg.conf were changed on that new xorg.
>>> When I run the startx with the vesa driver it runs ok appart the problem when I close it and the screen get stucked, but it is ordinary.
>>> So, that problem was fixed installing the openchrome driver and putting it on xorg. But the mouse got hidden.
>>> To fix the mouse's problem generally I used to write Option "SWCursor"
>>> But, in that new xorg. that param doesn't work, and worse it couses an error on xorg. My mouse and keyboard get stucked and I have to reset it.
>>> How can I do the new xorg works with the openchrome driver??
>>> I'm sorry about my bad english
>> Hi Xavier, I'm not sure but the problem was solved by adding 
>>    Option "XaaNoImageWriteRect"
>> So, now I have
>> xorg 7.4
>>          Section "Device"
>>                      Identifier "Card0"
>>                      Driver "openchrome"
>>                      Option "SWCursor"
>>                      Option "XaaNoImageWriteRect"
>>          EndSection
>> I didn't understand why, but it is solved up to now....
>> Without the XaaNoImageWriteRect the mouse pointer was showed but the X got stucked..... now it is  ok..
>> Thanks 
> Sorry Xavier I have found a problem...
> The Option "XaaNoImageWriteRect" DID my X run but it is making my X slower.
> Nothing has changed in my system except the xorg and my display is much slower than before.....
> Do you know any other option that can substitute that one but with a good velocity... 
> I thing that slowness is just the screen refresh... I don't know.
Yes, indeed, this option disables some acceleration, but this is the
only way to get a working X until the underlying bug is fixed.


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