[Openchrome-users] EN15000G S-Video 16:9 TV

John Robinson john.robinson
Sat Dec 13 06:54:50 PST 2008

On 12/12/2008 21:24, Giovanni Capraro wrote:
> Hello list,
> I have a 16:9 PAL TV (Sony) vith S-Video input, and I would like to 
> watch it in the right way ;-)
> I use Gentoo with 2.6.27 kernel, xorg-1.5.2 with openchrome drivers, 
> vdr-1.6, vdr-softdevice full screen.
> In the BIOS I set up only TV out, and S-video connector. I see 
> everything on the TV, POST, BIOS setup, boot sequence, but in 4:3 format.
> When I start X  I see everytime a 4:3 image even if in xorg.conf I use 
> DisplaySize  256 144 (16:9).
> Is there any way to see 16:9 format?

As far as I know all the current desktops (Gnome, KDE, xfce) ignore the 
DisplaySize. Fedora's gdm seems to pay attention at the login screen, 
but nothing else. I'd like to see this too, on my 16:9 Sony TV.

I was expecting the answer to come when the developers (hello Ivor) 
released a version giving more control over the 162x TV CRTC and I could 
write a 1024x576 mode with standard PAL timings.


(Seriously contemplating dumping the EPIA board for one of the new 
mini-ITX Atom boards - anyone know if the Intel driver has good XvMC 

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