[Openchrome-users] HP 2133 1.6 2GB/120 WLAN BT 3-CELL 8.9#VHB

Miguel Alvarez Blanco y Aurora Costales Castro miguelyoyi
Wed Dec 24 01:18:20 PST 2008


I'm new to the list (such a topic exists...) and I also own a HP2133. I 
am wondering if the previous poster that said it worked for him at 
1280x768 was talking about the panel or an external monitor. In Vista (I 
tried it to see what were the initial capabilities of this little 
monster) it only allowed 1024x600 as top resolution. Using openchrome 
(and also unichrome, which I tried and discarded) the most I can get is 
640x480 VGA mode, although of course I can get a larger virtual size, 
but not display all of it. Nevertheless, I got useful information from 
his post, since using VBESaveRestore true in the xorg.conf and 
SAVE_VBE_STATE=false in /etc/default/acpi-support solved the white 
screen problem when going into/out of X.

My problem seems to be related to those of other previous posters: I am 
using the latest tarball from openchrome (0.2.903 version) compiled over 
the latest Debian lenny system (kernel 2.6.26, Xorg 1.4.2). However, the 
results are the same as those with the version shiped with Debian lenny 
(0.2.902). Those are: the driver says first that it must use VBE to set 
modes in the panel with the chipset I have (it says it is a VT3371 which 
should correspond to a P4M900, while windows calls it Via Chrome 9 HC 
IGP Family WDM, and lspci gives 0x103C:0x3030 as ID), and then when it 
goes on to check VBE it only locates three different instances of the 
640x480 VGA mode. I tried to put some ModeLines but they are apparently 
ignored, the log does not mention them at all (with other drivers the 
lines that are rejected due to too high clocks, bandwith issues or 
hsync/vsync are reported, but not here). Other than that, 640x480 works 
fine, but it is too low-res and gets overly deformed in the 196x117 mm 

It seems that this problem was being worked on some days ago, but I 
stopped seeing posts related to it. Has it being solved or is there any 
code to be tested? I would like to try even partial solutions, it is a 
christmas present for my wife :-)

Best regards


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