[Openchrome-users] HP 2133 1.6 2GB/120 WLAN BT 3-CELL 8.9#VHB

Forest Bond forest
Wed Dec 24 06:05:23 PST 2008


On Wed, Dec 24, 2008 at 11:43:56PM +1100, Jon Nettleton wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 24, 2008 at 8:18 PM, Miguel Alvarez Blanco y Aurora
> Costales Castro <miguelyoyi at telecable.es> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm new to the list (such a topic exists...) and I also own a HP2133. I
> > am wondering if the previous poster that said it worked for him at
> > 1280x768 was talking about the panel or an external monitor. In Vista (I
> > tried it to see what were the initial capabilities of this little
> > monster) it only allowed 1024x600 as top resolution. Using openchrome
> > (and also unichrome, which I tried and discarded) the most I can get is
> > 640x480 VGA mode, although of course I can get a larger virtual size,
> > but not display all of it. Nevertheless, I got useful information from
> > his post, since using VBESaveRestore true in the xorg.conf and
> > SAVE_VBE_STATE=false in /etc/default/acpi-support solved the white
> > screen problem when going into/out of X.
> >
> > My problem seems to be related to those of other previous posters: I am
> > using the latest tarball from openchrome (0.2.903 version) compiled over
> > the latest Debian lenny system (kernel 2.6.26, Xorg 1.4.2). However, the
> > results are the same as those with the version shiped with Debian lenny
> > (0.2.902). Those are: the driver says first that it must use VBE to set
> > modes in the panel with the chipset I have (it says it is a VT3371 which
> > should correspond to a P4M900, while windows calls it Via Chrome 9 HC
> > IGP Family WDM, and lspci gives 0x103C:0x3030 as ID), and then when it
> > goes on to check VBE it only locates three different instances of the
> > 640x480 VGA mode. I tried to put some ModeLines but they are apparently
> > ignored, the log does not mention them at all (with other drivers the
> > lines that are rejected due to too high clocks, bandwith issues or
> > hsync/vsync are reported, but not here). Other than that, 640x480 works
> > fine, but it is too low-res and gets overly deformed in the 196x117 mm
> > screen.
> >
> > It seems that this problem was being worked on some days ago, but I
> > stopped seeing posts related to it. Has it being solved or is there any
> > code to be tested? I would like to try even partial solutions, it is a
> > christmas present for my wife :-)
> Hi Miguel,
> Welcome to the community.  For that chipset you need the latest code
> in subversion trunk.  This has native resolution mode setting for lcd
> panels.  You can read the openchrome wiki page to get full details on
> compiling from source, but if you have a dev environment on your
> laptop already you can run.
> svn co http://svn.openchrome.org/svn/trunk openchrome
> cd openchrome
> sh autogen.sh --prefix=/usr --disable-static
> make
> make install
> Then things should hopefully work for you.

I think I had posted the information that was found helpful.  I'm actually not
using SVN code.  I'm using version 0.2.903-0ubuntu3, the current version in
Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid).

It's possible there are different firmware versions on our HP 2133s.  That could
be a factor since VBE is being used for mode selection.

Hope this helps.

Forest Bond
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