[Openchrome-users] HP 2133 1.6 2GB/120 WLAN BT 3-CELL 8.9#VHB

Miguel Alvarez Blanco y Aurora Costales Castro miguelyoyi
Thu Dec 25 11:39:58 PST 2008

Hello all again!

I have found some order within the weird behavior. With the attached
xorg.conf, gdm starts in mode 1280x768 (see below for the behavior of
this mode), gnome goes up, and it switches to the mode that was last
selected within gnome, each having its own behavior. The mode list in
gnome's resolution change widget is, in this order:

800x600 720x576 640x480 1280x768

Now, the weird things. In the table below, the Resolution column is the
resolution selected with gnome (in gdm it is always 1280x768). For each
of them, the VirtualDesk was determined by doing a Screen capture and
looking at the size of the image. The xvidtune column is the number
reported by this program, that is, X's ModeLine. The column panArea
really applies only to the 1280x768 resolution, since it is the only one
in which panning is available, because the VirtualDesk is not equal to
the xvidtune in that case; note, however, that the panArea seems to be
higher than the videomode; I determined this panarea by enlarging a
window as much as I could within the panArea, taking a Screen capture of
that window, and looking at the size of the image. Finally, viewArea is
determined by resizing a window so that it fits the area that I can see
in the panel, taking a screen capture of that window, and looking at the
image size. Here are the results:

Resolution  VirtualDesk  xvidtune  panArea   viewArea
1280x768    1280x768     1024x576  1024x640  768x450
800x600     800x600      800x600   no pan    600x466
720x576     720x576      720x576   no pan    541x451
640x480     640x480      640x480   no pan    484x374

It is really wierd. It seems that the panel shows always a percentage of
the xvidtune values, about 75% of the horizontal value and about 78% of
the vertical value, plus or minus less than 1%. Oddly enough, the
1024x576 xvidtune maximum resolution is exactly 75% of the detected
Native Panel Resolution, 1366x768.

Trying to force 1024x576 as the highest mode, instead of 1280x768, both
Resolution, VirtualDesk, and xvidtune get 1024x576, there is no panning,
and the viewArea is about 767x449 pixels, about the same as with the
1280x768 Resolution, other things going the same (except that 800x600 is
not available because the VirtualDesk is set to 1024x576 and then the
vertical 600 does not fit). Trying to force 800x600, or 720x576, or
640x480 as the one and only mode, I get Resolution, VirtualDesk, and
xvidtune as requested, but a viewArea which is more or less the one in
the table above, and no panning. I have no explanation for this! I am
attaching the xorg.conf for the table values, and the bzip2 Xorg.0.log
file (hope they fit the limits of the list rules).

Any help is welcome!

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