[Openchrome-users] HP 2133 1.6 2GB/120 WLAN BT 3-CELL 8.9#VHB

Miguel Alvarez Blanco y Aurora Costales Castro miguelyoyi
Thu Dec 25 17:06:27 PST 2008

Hi, Jon.

I may have forgot to comment it in the first post, but letting it try 
everything by itself was the first thing I did. When doing so, it does 
not get the 1366x768 resolution, but instead it gets 1024x572 for the 
video mode (from xvidtune), 1024x600 for the VirtualSize (from a screen 
capture), with a bit of vertical panning (I would say that it is the 28 
pixels of difference) and a viewing area of only 766x446 (from a window 
resized to the viewing area by hand and then screen capture of that 
window). The gnome resolution changer calls it 1024x600, too. I am 
attaching xorg.conf and the corresponding Xorg.0.log.

Two key things may be that it says:

(WW) CHROME(0): Unable to estimate virtual size

on the one hand, and later on:

(--) CHROME(0): Virtual size is 1024x600 (pitch 1024)

even though the very next line is the Default mode selected by the 
driver, and it is 1024x572:

(**) CHROME(0): *Default mode "1024x576": 47.0 MHz (scaled from -0.0 
MHz), 35.8 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) CHROME(0): Modeline "1024x576"x60.0   46.98  1024 1064 1168 1312 
576 576 579 597 -hsync +vsync (35.8 kHz)

And, later on, it says:

(II) CHROME(0): ViaPanelScale: 1024,576 -> 1366,768
(II) CHROME(0): Scaling factor: horizontal 3069 (0xbfd), vertical 1535 
(II) CHROME(0): mode: 0x9836be8
(II) CHROME(0): mode->name: 0x9836c88
(II) CHROME(0): mode->name: 1366x768 at 60r
(II) CHROME(0): ViaSecondCRTCSetMode
(II) CHROME(0): Setting up 1366x768 at 60r

so, there is some scaling involved, into a 1366x768 at 60r mode that the 
driver does not know about (I tried to force this Mode label too). I am 
sorry, I do not know enough about the internals of the driver to make 
much sense, but these are the points that puzzled me most.

Thanks for any help,

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