[Openchrome-users] P4M900 VIA Chrome9 DRI (and XvMC?) not working

David Kuehling dvdkhlng
Sun Feb 3 04:46:37 PST 2008

>>>>> "J" == J Dale Gonzalez <dale.gonzalez at gmail.com> writes:

> On 01 Feb 2008 19:58:25 +0100, David Kuehling <dvdkhlng at gmx.de> wrote:
>> I also didn't (yet) get DRI working.  But video playback greatly
>> improved after enabling the "Direct Framebuffer" option in my Bios.
>> Do you have a similar Bios option?  Also, did you check whether MTRR
>> are set up correctly (try cat /proc/mtrr).

> Thanks for the tip.  I'll check for Direct Framebuffer in the BIOS.
> What is MTRR?  I catted /proc/mtrr and see the entries below but have
> no idea what they mean.

Compare the base= address values to output from 'lspci -vv'.  Video RAM
should correspond to the 'write-combining' mtrr memory region.  Your
output actually looks fine.  

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