[Openchrome-users] Call for packagers

Xavier Bachelot xavier
Tue Feb 5 14:01:57 PST 2008

Hi all,

Packagers and wannabe packagers, the openchrome project needs your help 
! The driver is slowly but surely improving and getting in a better 
shape, but the users' mailing list and the irc channel are still full of 
basic user question related to compilation of the driver. This can and 
should be avoided, first because it raises the entry cost for new and 
often non-technical users (no offense intended) and also because it 
wastes developers/contributors time that could be used to enhance the 
documentation or other things more useful in the long run.

We used to and are still maintaining a 'contributed binaries' page in 
the wiki, but it's often outdated or pointing at old versions of the 
driver. It would be much better to package and maintain the driver as 
official packages inside the various distributions around. This brings 
numerous advantages. The users don't have to search the web for packages 
and get them directly from their distribution's repositories without 
additional configuration. The driver is more easily available in the 
wild and gets better exposure and testing.

This mail is primarily targeted at all the good people that used to and 
are still maintaining the packages that are linked from the 'contributed 
binaries' page. Thanks a lot for your work, it is greatly appreciated. I 
would just ask you to go a step further and get in touch with the 
maintainers of your distro of choice and do your best to have the 
openchrome driver included and maintained inside of it. There is also 
obviously some room for new packagers ;-)

Thanks a lot for your attention and feel free to ask for help, I went 
down this road already for Fedora/RHEL, it is not as hard as it may 
sound and there's a lot to learn along the road.


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