[Openchrome-users] Call for packagers

Xavier Bachelot xavier
Thu Feb 7 12:45:59 PST 2008

pcpa at mandriva.com.br wrote:
>   Mandriva also ships openchrome for some time.
>   This text should be enough to give reference for prebuild
> binaries for 2006, and proper procedure on newer systems:
> --
> Mandriva
>   o Mandriva 2006: please visit http://www.mde.djura.org/
>   o Mandriva 2007.0 or newer: just run "# urpmi x11-driver-video-openchrome"
> --
Are you shipping the driver built from this spec ?

I hope there is something newer because this is really outdated...
Could you please point me to your cvs/svn/whatever ?


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