[Openchrome-users] status of LVDS panel support?

Csillag Kristof csillag.kristof
Thu Feb 14 09:06:42 PST 2008

Hi all, Xavier Bachelot wrote:

> Csillag Kristof wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I need some more information about the status of LVDS panel support
>> of the driver. [...]
>> Would this work? Can I run X (with the OpenChrome driver)
>> using both the usual VGA output and on the LVDS output simultaneously?
>> [...] Is what I want considered dual-head?
> Yes, this is considered dual head.
> This _should_ work with the code currently in the randr branch.
What would work? Output to the LVDS,
or output to the LVDS _and_ to normal VGA simultaneously?

> Be warned this branch still has some glitches.
Where can I find more info about the status of this branch?

Thank you for your help:


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