[Openchrome-users] Problem with font and Device "openchrome"

let userforum
Mon Feb 18 05:28:45 PST 2008

Re: Problem with font and Device "openchrome"

in my infinite test i've fix one of problem ... my font works good now!

problem was enablement of exa acceleration with greedy mode 

if this Option is disabled ...itworks

But How you can told me....my problem is when it start with "openchrome" ..black screen and frozen mouse.

i'm using this svn: http://svn.openchrome.org/svn/trunk openchrome 

my xorg.conf is: see attachment

my log is: see attachment

ps...i've problem like freeze system also with screen saver and sysinfo... i think it had to my version of libglx  (mesa Xorg 7,1)




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