Re: [Openchrome-users] VIA chrome 9HC drivers don´t work :(

Djeezus gert.vandelaer
Wed Jan 2 13:38:46 PST 2008

> thank you very much again. With your help it was no problem, installing the
> experimental drivers.
cooll !!

> The probleme I had about the "invalid module format" was *bigshameonme* that
> I was actually using a kernel with drm and agpgart compiled statically into
> kernel, and then tried to install the additionally build modules drm and
> agpgart.
it happens to the best of us

> But now it runs like hell (or something like that :D)

strange, mine runs like heaven :)


iT's aLl jUsT f0r LaUgH5 I teLLz yA !

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