[Openchrome-users] more fedora core 8

Tony Grant tony
Mon Jan 14 22:45:39 PST 2008

Le lundi 14 janvier 2008 ? 18:45 +0100, Udo van den Heuvel a ?crit :
> Tony Grant wrote:
> > discovered that there is a horrible sound server in FS8 called
> > "pulseaudio" ti is horribly broken and xine wants it but can't connect
> > to it...
> Set xine to alsa.
> See the .asoundrc in 'the perfect setup' at the pulsaudio site.

I was using that from the fedora 8 howto

Start vdr, start xine - window is black and xine splash stays on top of
window message is pulseaudio timeout

So now I have a new problem that has nothing to so with openchrome.


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