[Openchrome-users] gdm/kdm won't work, but startx does

Peter Liebst peter
Sat Jan 19 18:06:19 PST 2008

On Friday 18 January 2008 20:03:43 Benno Schulenberg wrote:
> Please don't top-post.  Answer below the questions, and answer them
> all.
Sorry about that
> Peter Liebst wrote:
> > When I start gdm on commandline it don't give any output, but i
> > found the log as you described, and I noticed that it couldn't
> > find the openchrome_dri.so,
> openchrome_dri.so?  Where does that file come from?  What package
> owns it?  Or did you install it yourself?  On my Ubuntu Gutsy
> installation there is only a unichrome_dri.so, as it should be.
I think i wrote it wrong and ment unichrome_dri.so cuase I can't find a file 
on my system named unichrome_dri.so :)

> > > Section "ServerFlags"
> > >         Option          "AIGLX" "off"
> > > EndSection
> Did you add the above section to your xorg.conf?  It will probably
> stop your X trying to load a chrome_dri.so.
Yes, the AIGLX section is added to my xorg.conf, didn't help.

Any other ideas? or perhaps it is the gdm guys I need to get in touch with ?

I have uploaded a new xorg.conf and logfiles:


> Benno
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