[Openchrome-users] Resolution

Xavier Bachelot xavier
Mon Jan 21 05:20:28 PST 2008

Thomas Fiedler wrote:
> Hello
> I have a epia EN15000 with Unichrome Pro Chip.
> Im using Debian/Etch , and i have the openchrome installled, to this HowTo  
> http://wiki.openchrome.org/tikiwiki/tiki-index.php?page=Compiling+the+source+code+on+Debian
> Now ... it runs. :) But not with 1440x900 . (i have a 16:10 TFT)  The highest 
> Resolution is 1280x1024. 
> Is the Driver not korrekt?  Must have the experimental?
> My Xorg.0.0.log is atteched
> Sorry for my English :)
> Thomas
Could you please provide your xorg.conf too ?
And also, as your mail has gone unanswered for a long time, could you 
please upgrade to latest svn trunk first ? And obviously, provide a new log.

Sorry for the late answer.


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