[Openchrome-users] Number of xv ports on unichrome / openchrome

Hindrik Hettema h_hettema
Tue Jan 22 12:31:49 PST 2008


I am currently using the Skype beta for linux ( on my CN700
(openchrome driver) and have the problem that I can only either view my
own webcam (and receive a black video from the other side) or view the
other's webcam (and not see myself).

Searching through the skype mailing lists, it has become clear that xv
on my machine only supports one XV-port (hardware?). If I first receive
the other side and then send my video, it is workable.

I know perhaps this is not the right forum, but I was wondering whether
this is indeed a hardware-limitation, or normally a driver should
provide a fallback in case this port cannot be realised. Or should the
software using video (in this case skype) take action in this matter and
provide SW-rendering if the XV-port cannot be "acquired"?

The output of xvinfo is as follows:
    hindrik at silent ~ $ xvinfo | head
    X-Video Extension version 2.2
    screen #0
      Adaptor #0: "XV_SWOV"
        number of ports: 1
        port base: 68
        operations supported: PutImage 
        supported visuals:
          depth 24, visualID 0x22
          depth 24, visualID 0x23
          depth 24, visualID 0x24

What is the opinion in this matter, and what would be the best way to
solve this? Are there perhaps settings I do not know of that may provide
a solution here?


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