[Openchrome-users] Debian binary drivers are offline

Paweł Bojakowski pb
Thu Jan 24 10:52:42 PST 2008

Dnia 24-01-2008, czw o godzinie 19:31 +0100, Xavier Bachelot napisa?(a):
> Pawe? Bojakowski wrote:
> > I can provide You with a selfmade package but only for lenny/amd64.
> > 
> > Dnia 24-01-2008, czw o godzinie 15:54 +0100, bowser napisa?(a):
> >> Debian binary drivers are offline
> >> The page for the binary drivers is currently offline. Is there any other mirror for them?
> >>
> What would be really cool is to properly package latest release, submit 
> it to Debian and maintain it there.
> And obviously, do the same for all the other distros around. Spread the 
> word :-)
> Regards,
> Xavier

Hey, maybe it's not a bad idea. I consider myself pretty 'lame,' but in
a few days time, when I get done with some stuff, I'll try to do
something about it.

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