[Openchrome-users] [PATCH] VT1625 720x576 PAL

Nicola Berndt nb
Fri Jan 25 05:06:32 PST 2008

I sent the following message to the list a while ago, but it seems stuck 
to await mod. approval, since I attached an image and it was too large, 
so I am sending it again without the image.. If anyone is interested in 
the image, please send me an email and I will send it to you.

Here's my message:

wanting to check out, if my VIA EN12000EG could finally do nicely 
unscaled video-out like my VIA MII6000, I wanted to check out the 
experimenatal branch, as I understood, this patch should be included now..

Not knowing how to achieve that I tried:
svn co http://svn.openchrome.org/svn/branches/experimental_branch openchrome
and got some files..
I ran./augtogen.sh and compiled it and ran make install.

Now I suppose to have the experimental branch running, but sadly 
choosing 720x576 (log says it is being used and in my VT1622ModeIndex it 
also shows up) looks as scaled as with the former driver (trunk). So I 
am not sure, wich driver is in use and I have no idea how to verify, 
since I couldn't find any hints in my xorg log.

Days later...

So I tried different modes and found 720x576Over to give me a result, 
which I would consider unscaled.
When captured with a professional DV recorder the picture uses all the 
lines and almost all the width. In my opinion the width is not really 
important, since the digital picture is being converted to analog 
anyway. The lines are a totally different story, since they must stay 
intact 1:1, meaning, when I display a picture wich consists of only 
black and white lines the re-captured picture must consist of a black 
and a white field. This is exactly what the 720x576Over mode achieves! 

Since everybody is always looking for that mode, I thought, I let you know!

A sample picture is attached..

Best regards,
../nico berndt

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