[Openchrome-users] Large plasma display corruption: SOLVED

John Robinson john.robinson
Fri Jan 25 10:53:16 PST 2008

On 25/01/2008 18:09, Forest Bond wrote:
>> On my 32" widescreen Sony TV, using 720x576, I have:
>> (**) VIA(0): Display dimensions: (256, 144) mm
>> (**) VIA(0): DPI set to (71, 101)
>> (Yeah I know I'm using an old version. It seems to suffice on my CLE266.)
>> Anyway, Firefox works fine. I ended up using those particular numbers to 
>> get rid of scaling artifacts in some apps.
> Which implies that you *did* see scaling artifacts at some point ... ?

Oh yes, but not in Firefox. I'm not sure, but I think it was trying to 
play test videos in xine, where what should have been a smooth diagonal 
line was tearing and showing jaggies. The 720x576 video had a 16:9 
aspect ratio and so did X, so the result should have been unscaled, but 
for some reason the calculation to not scale - or to scale exactly 1:1 - 
went wrong when I used other combinations of figures that were exactly 
16:9. I put it down to rounding errors, which went away when I had 
enough multiples of 2 and 3 making up my DisplaySize figures.

I didn't get any of the much worse artifacts you described.



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