[Openchrome-users] Problem with Chrome9 HC and current trunk

kako userforum
Sun Jan 27 03:30:47 PST 2008

Re: Problem with Chrome9 HC and current trunk
> Use this thread to discuss the [tiki-index.php?page=Problem with Chrome9 HC and current trunk|Problem with Chrome9 HC and current trunk] page.

I use the same chipset on an asus p5vd2-vm se mainboard. The problem was the same as anonymous wrote above (broken X picture). downloaded and compiled the randr_branch, but when tried to start the X with it the whole box was freezed totally. I attach the xorg.0.log if helps. Please help me, the vesa driver makes wrong my eyes with 60Hz blinking.

(what other info needed to solve this problem?)


Reply Link: <http://wiki.openchrome.org/tikiwiki/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=1&comments_reply_threadId=4650&comments_parentId=4590&post_reply=1#form>
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