[Openchrome-users] VIA: Decent Drivers for Linux Petition (please help if you can)

Xavier Bachelot xavier
Mon Jan 28 13:33:18 PST 2008

> FWIW, it would be great if the openchrome project could cannibalize
> on what useful material there is in the X "driver" from VIA. I say
> this because while I may be "forced" to use the VIA drivers to run
> my DVI 1280x1024 on the short term, I would sleep much better if I
> was using openchrome's stuff instead.
The openchrome project, and the unichrome project before it, is based on 
an early VIA code drop and are 'cannibalizing' later code drops, but 
this is not as easy as it may soon for various reasons, and above all, 
it takes time and there's not a lot of manpower in openchrome currently.


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