[Openchrome-users] VIA Chrome9 on Slackware 12.1

lm.moreira userforum
Thu Jul 17 13:02:17 PDT 2008

Re: VIA Chrome9 on Slackware 12.1
> lm.moreira wrote:
> > Re: VIA Chrome9 on Slackware 12.1
> > thanks a lot,
> > 
> > I succeeded with the video, but when X started, mouse was hide. 
> > 
> > It doesn't appear but I was working.
> > 
> > 
> > I could to click anywhere but I couldn't know where was the mouse.
> > 
> Hardware cursor doesn't seem to work, so you need to enable software 
> cursor. Add the following line in the Device section of xorg conf :
> Option "SWCursor"
> Regards,
> Xavier

You SAVED me friend!



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