[Openchrome-users] Xorg.conf settings for LCD TV

Marcus Cobden lists
Thu Jul 24 09:01:59 PDT 2008

Hi All,

I've been trying to hook my Linux box up to my new LCD TV and I'm not 
having much luck getting it to display anything above 1280xSomething.

I have the horizSync and vertRefresh values for the screen but I can't 
find a config for them which works at native resolution.

The native rez is 1366x768 (the TV will accept 1920x1080, automatically 
scaling it).
It seems a bit of an odd number; will the video driver be ok with that?

Can anyone help me get this right?

I've attached the frequency table from the product manual (LG 32LT75), 
which you can get as a PDF online.

Thanks a lot

Marcus Cobden
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