[Openchrome-users] Xorg.conf settings for LCD TV

Marcus Cobden lists
Mon Jul 28 13:02:09 PDT 2008

R. G. Newbury wrote:
 > I have an LG 37LB7" which is 1368x768. I did not need to play with sync
 > values at all. Try removing them from xorg.conf and let X take care of
 > it. The TV will send EDID to your X system which should do what needs to
 > be done. Checkl xorg.0.log. This is the relevant chunk of my xorg.xonf.
 > Section "Screen"
 >         Identifier "Screen0"
 >         Device     "Videocard0"
 >         DefaultDepth     24
 >         SubSection "Display"
 >                 Viewport   0 0
 >                 Depth     24
 >                 Modes    "1360x768" "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600"
 > "640x480"
 >         EndSubSection
 > EndSection
 > Section "Monitor"
 >         Identifier      "Monitor0"
 >         ModelName       "LG-37LB7"
 >         Option          "DPMS" "true"
 > EndSection
 > Geoff

Thanks for the suggestions Geoff & Benno, unfortunately they didn't 
solve it.

First off, configured with no frequencies the TV did display a picture, 
however it didn't go higher than 800x600.

The second configuration with your frequencies caused the TV to report 
"No Signal".

I've attached both logs and the xorg.conf file.
Thanks for the help :)
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