[Openchrome-users] openchrome on hp mini-note 2133

Kyle Schmitt kyleaschmitt
Sat Jun 14 08:58:42 PDT 2008

I just started playing with the openchrome driver on the hp mini note 2133.
It works pretty well so far, without much fuss (despite what all the
hp mini note webpages say)

I've gotta say, good work, this is great (and I can post my xorg.conf
is anyone wants a quick reference of how to get it working on the mini
note, not that it was hard).

I've got two issues now though, and I was hoping to get a little help with them.

1) when exiting X the display is garbled, and the machine needs to be
bounced to get it happy again (I wonder if I could launch X with xvesa
to fix the display, now that I think about it, but don't have time to
test it quite this minute)

2) DRI doesn't seem to be working.


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