[Openchrome-users] Venetian blind on each side of display!!

Robin Gilks g8ecj
Mon Jun 23 14:43:29 PDT 2008


Having just read the discussion on the MythTV list about a test video for
surround sound, I downloaded the CC film Big Buck Bunny in 720p to try out
both the HD display I've just acquired and the 5.1 sound.

The sound is fine but under both MythTV and mplayer I get an effect like
one quarter of the screen each side is being viewed through a venetian
blind that reflects the other side - sort of like very coarse interlacing
but from one  side to the other side rather than from one frame to the
next. Here is a (not very good) picture of the problem:
Note that the curved lines are an artifact of the camera!

Hardware: Epia SP13000 using CN400 chipset with openchrome driver version

mplayers analysis of the video certainly makes sense and is the same on
both my server box (which plays OK on an nvidia card) and the Epia box...

$ mplayer /mnt/videos/big_buck_bunny_720p_surround.avi
MPlayer dev-SVN-r26753-4.1.2 (C) 2000-2008 MPlayer Team
CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2700+ (Family: 6, Model: 8, Stepping: 1)
CPUflags:  MMX: 1 MMX2: 1 3DNow: 1 3DNow2: 1 SSE: 1 SSE2: 0
Compiled for x86 CPU with extensions: MMX MMX2 3DNow 3DNowEx SSE

Playing /mnt/videos/big_buck_bunny_720p_surround.avi.
AVI file format detected.
[aviheader] Video stream found, -vid 0
[aviheader] Audio stream found, -aid 1
AVI: ODML: Building ODML index (2 superindexchunks).
VIDEO:  [FMP4]  1280x720  24bpp  24.000 fps  4001.7 kbps (488.5 kbyte/s)
Clip info:
 Software: AVI-Mux GUI 1.17.7, Aug  8 2006  20:59:17
Opening video decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg's libavcodec codec family
Selected video codec: [ffodivx] vfm: ffmpeg (FFmpeg MPEG-4)
Opening audio decoder: [liba52] AC3 decoding with liba52
Using SSE optimized IMDCT transform
Using MMX optimized resampler
AUDIO: 48000 Hz, 2 ch, s16le, 448.0 kbit/29.17% (ratio: 56000->192000)
Selected audio codec: [a52] afm: liba52 (AC3-liba52)
AO: [alsa] 48000Hz 2ch s16le (2 bytes per sample)
Starting playback...
VDec: vo config request - 1280 x 720 (preferred colorspace: Planar YV12)
VDec: using Planar YV12 as output csp (no 0)
Movie-Aspect is 1.78:1 - prescaling to correct movie aspect.
VO: [xv] 1280x720 => 1280x720 Planar YV12  [fs] [zoom]
A: 596.4 V: 596.4 A-V:  0.004 ct:  0.045 14315/14315 16%  0%  1.9% 53 0

Exiting... (End of file)

My Xorg.log file (logverbose 10) can be found here

Any idea how to solve this? It has been suggested that the problem is that
all the internal modelines are NTSC 60Hz and I'm in PAL country so should
be running 50Hz - not sure how that affects an avi file though!! All my SD
display stuff is fine...

Robin Gilks

Robin Gilks zl3rob/g8ecj
Internet: g8ecj at gilks.org    http://www.gilks.org

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