[Openchrome-users] CX700M2

Xavier Bachelot xavier
Sat Mar 1 00:21:49 PST 2008

Coleman Kane wrote:
> Michael van der Kolff wrote:
>> Dear Xavier,
>> Sorry to ask again, but has it been posted elsewhere?  I don't mean to
>> push, it's just been 2 weeks, that's all, and I'd like to have a go at
>> it...
>> Cheers,
>> Michael
>> On Sun, Feb 17, 2008 at 12:32 AM, Xavier Bachelot <xavier at bachelot.org> wrote:
>>> Michael van der Kolff wrote:
>>>> Dear Xavier,
>>>  >
>>>  > Sorry to ask, but has it been posted, and if so, where?  I'm looking
>>>  > under http://svn.openchrome.org/svn/branches/
>>>  >
>>>  You're looking at the right place, but it has not been uploaded yet.
>>>  I'll let you know.
>>>  Regards,
>>>  Xavier
> I'm also working with this chipset now, and would like to see it pushed up.
> --
> Coleman Kane

No, the code has not been posted, I'll ask again. Meanwhile, you can 
still look at the XvMC code that is already in trunk (src/via_xvmc.c and 
libxvmc), that's the starting base anyway.


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